Smart-E Contractor Terms & Conditions

The Smart-E Eligible Contractor (“Contractor”) Terms & Conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) outline the expectations for Contractors approved as eligible to participate in the Connecticut Green Bank’s Smart-E financing Program (“Program”). All Program Contractors must agree to and adhere to these Terms & Conditions to be approved and maintain eligibility in the Program. 

Eligibility Criteria 

Contractors will provide complete and accurate information as part of their admission into the Program and as requested by Program administrators to maintain their eligibility. This includes providing updated licenses, insurance certificates, or other additional requested documentation in a timely manner. 

Contractor Performance Issues, Misconduct, Improper and Illegal Behavior  

As Contractors represent the Program, the Green Bank has expectations for their performance and conduct. The following performance issues and examples of misconduct, improper or illegal behavior are grounds for discipline or removal from the program in adherence with the policies outlined in this document: 

  • Excessive homeowner complaints about customer service 
  • Failure to ensure that all employees and subcontractors are properly licensed according to Connecticut State law and adhere to the requirements of the Program 
  • Improper incentive activity, including, but not limited to failure to pass 100% of rebates as upfront cost reduction to the homeowners 
  • Misrepresentation of project scope, including, but not limited to: 
    • Submitting inaccurate contracts or other inaccurate documentation 
    • General discrepancies between contractor submitted documentation and Green Bank third-party inspections. 
  • Inspection failures, including, but not limited to, failing to meet safety requirements or practices resulting in unsafe health and/or safety conditions for homeowners.  
  • Increasing customer’s sales price greater than the original scope of work without notifying Program administrators in a timely manner. 
  • Submitting change orders without previous approval from customers and/or failing to submit change orders for approval by the Program administrators  
  • Installing equipment not specified in the original scope of work without properly notifying Program administrators and customers in a timely manner. 
  • Submitting completion documentation for unfinished projects and/or failing to resolve issues raised in a Green Bank third-party inspection. 
  • Failure to submit updated licensing, insurance or other required documentation and paperwork in a timely manner 
  • Failure to meet Green Bank requirements for other Green Bank programs, including, but not limited to, the Battery Energy Storage Solutions program. 
  • Violation of any Program rules or ethical standards, such as unresponsiveness to customers or Program administrators, or misrepresentation of the Green Bank or its programs. 
  • Failure to meet work schedules as agreed upon with customers. 
  • Causing property damage and failing to remedy the damage as agreed to with the customer. 
  • A lapse in required credentials 
  • Misrepresentation of Green Bank programs to homeowners or misleading marketing and advertising 
  • Submission of falsified documents or unauthorized signatures to the Program or any other Green Bank program 
  • Commission of any illegal actions while participating in the Program 
  • Is convicted or has a principal who is convicted of a criminal charge that casts the Program or any other Green Bank program in a negative light or calls the integrity or workmanship of the Contractor into question 
  • Failure to obtain municipal permits where required by either the Contractor or their selected subcontractor. 
  • Any other Program violations in Green Bank’s sole reasonable determination 
  • Failure to address third-party inspection issues in a timely manner.  Contractors are required to contact customers within seven (7) days from notice of an inspection issue and arrange an appointment to remedy the issues. 

Disciplinary Procedures 

The Connecticut Green Bank may, in its sole discretion, impose a probation, suspension or termination of a Contractor’s eligibility to participate in the Program at any time if eligibility criteria requirements are not met, or for performance issues, misconduct, improper, or illegal behavior in connection with the Program or any other Green Bank program, including but not limited to the examples listed above. 

Contractors may be given reasonable opportunity to correct problems identified by the Green Bank, however, the Green Bank reserves the right to place on probation, suspend or terminate the Eligible Contractor from the Program for any violation of Program rules, or for misconduct, improper, or illegal behavior as described above. Suspended or Terminated Contractors may reapply to the Program after six (6) months by submitting a new application and a plan for preventing future issues. The Green Bank’s process for addressing such matters is as follows: 

1. Upon the Green Bank becoming aware of a performance issue, misconduct, or improper or illegal behavior, the Green Bank may: 

    • request a written response to the allegations from the Contractor, and 
    • forward non-performance, misconduct, improper and illegal behavior allegations to the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. 

2.  Contractors shall have the opportunity to provide a written response including any actions already taken, or outline a plan of action to correct issues identified in inspections and / or correct any other performance issues, misconduct or improper or illegal behavior 

The Green Bank will review the Contractor’s response and request additional information as needed. 

3.  The Green Bank will respond in writing with its findings and with any disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action include, but are not limited to: 

  • Probation: 
    • probationary period 
    • additional inspection requirements 
    • limitations on project approvals 
    • removal from the online find a contractor tool at 
    • other requirements determined by the Green Bank based on the nature of the issue. 
  • Suspension/Termination: 
    • suspension from the Program for up to one (1) year. 
    • inability to submit projects for Smart-E Loan financing 
    • removal from the online find a contractor tool at 

If the Contractor disagrees with the decision made by the Green Bank, the Contractor may appeal the decision within thirty (30) days to a review committee consisting of the officers of the Green Bank setting forth a written response to the allegations and findings of the Green Bank staff. The Contractor shall have the right to present their appeal within forty-five (45) days from requesting such appeal. The decision of this review committee shall be the final Green Bank determination on the matter. 

The Green Bank may modify or expedite this process as the situation necessitates. 

Benefits for Contractors 

Contractors, who are in good standing and not currently subject to any disciplinary proceedings, may receive the following benefits: 

  • A profile on the Green Bank’s website in the find-a-contractor tool. 
  • Permission to market their participation in the Program and co-brand with the Connecticut Green Bank pursuant to the “Terms & Conditions for Cobranding through Connecticut Green Bank Contractor Network for Eligible & Registered Contractors” and any other guidelines outlined at: