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The Connecticut Green Bank Contractor Network is made up of contractors registered or eligible to offer Green Bank products. The contractors listed below have completed an application process and are maintaining registration or eligibility for the products they offer.
Each Green Bank product has different criteria contractors must meet to be approved as registered or eligible and for maintaining this status. For more information about the qualifications and training requirements contractors have met to be listed below, please visit our page about the Connecticut Green Bank Contractor Network.
Use the tool below to sort our Contractor Network by the technologies & services or products they offer. If you’re not sure where to start, please contact us. And if you are working with a contractor not on this list, it’s easy for them to get started – just ask them to reach out to the Green Bank.
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Contact Information
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{{ }}, {{ contractor.state }} {{ }}
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Distance: {{ contractor.distance_from_search.toLocaleString() }} miles
Green Bank Award Recipient
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No contractors found matching the selected filters.