Building Solutions
The Green Bank offers green solutions for buildings of all types – from businesses and nonprofits to multifamily housing and local government. More modern, sustainable buildings help owners save money, reduce their environmental impact, and create better spaces for their tenants, employees, and residents.
Explore your property’s savings potential and financing options
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is an innovative program that lets commercial, nonprofit and multifamily properties pay for green improvements in existing buildings or new construction over time. C-PACE makes it easier for building owners to secure low-interest capital to fund energy retrofits or build to higher efficiency standards.
Through the Connecticut Green Bank’s Solar PPA you can go solar with no money down, and receive immediate savings on your electricity.
With a Solar Roof Lease, your commercial building or nonprofit roof’s unused space becomes a revenue-producer. Leasing your roof space to the Green Bank to install a solar PV system means a reliable, worry-free tenant who puts lease payments in your account. And your roof helps put more renewable energy into the utility grid leading to a healthier future for all.
Buildings owners can take advantage of the benefits of going solar with three options: Solar Roof Lease, Solar PPA, or C-PACE. Save money on your electricity through solar panels or generate income by leasing your roof to the Green Bank. Worry-free solar lets you make a positive impact on your bottom line while helping the environment.
Multifamily building owners can access tools specifically designed for their properties. From pre-development loans to financing for affordable-rate properties, energy improvements for multifamily buildings are within reach with the Green Bank.
Installing a battery system can help your building lower peak demand and reduce energy costs, while also providing backup power to keep your facility running without interruption when the electricity goes out. This new incentive program offers upfront and performance-based incentives for Eversource and UI customers installing energy storage at their facility.
Navigating the complexities of energy efficiency is a challenge. That’s why we partnered with OCOsink to provide building owners with the resources they need to develop and manage energy projects. By leveraging their Energy Program Facilitation (EPF) services, complex energy concepts are translated into actionable projects with measurable results, empowering building owners to achieve their energy goals, while maintaining focus on core business activities.