Reporting and Transparency
Reporting and Transparency
Reporting and Transparency
The Connecticut Green Bank has always valued transparency as a management principle and a cornerstone of leadership. The organization believes that clear and publicly available data, allows for transactions to be replicated with ease, thus expediting the transformation of a market. The Green Bank also believes in the responsible stewardship of ratepayer funds to achieve its mission.
The financial statements of the Connecticut Green Bank are compiled through an accounting staff and independently audited by certified public accountants. The powers of the Connecticut Green Bank are exercised by a Board of Directors. Information on both financial statements and governance are presented below.
The Connecticut Green Bank presents its financial activity in two ways – Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and an Annual Report.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR)
The ACFR is compiled by the accounting staff of the Connecticut Green Bank and audited by an external certified public accounting firm in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. An ACFR submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) which is awarded Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting represents the highest award in government financial reporting. Included in the ACFR are the public benefits estimated to have been achieved through the Connecticut Green Bank’s use of its financial resources.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports
Annual Reports
The Connecticut Green Bank issues an annual report to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Connecticut General Assembly’s Energy & Technology Committee, and all local elected officials in cities and towns throughout Connecticut.
The Board of Directors of the Connecticut Green Bank has issued the following annual reports:
Annual Reports
Auditors of Public Account
The office of the Auditors of Public Accounts (APA) is a legislative agency of the State of Connecticut whose primary mission is to conduct audits of all state agencies, including quasi-public agencies. Included in such audits is an annual Statewide Single Audit of the State of Connecticut to meet federal requirements. The office is under the direction of two state auditors appointed by the state legislature. The APA audited certain operations of the Connecticut Green Bank in fulfillment of its duties under Sections 1-122 and Section 2-90 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Fiscal Years
C-PACE Quarterly Update
Building owners, investors, contractors and municipal leaders are all using C-PACE to drive investment, improve our commercial building stock and accelerate the impact of green energy on our environment, economy and communities. Data illustrates how, every quarter, these stakeholders are increasing the impact of C-PACE in Connecticut.
Reports on the Progress on the Residential Solar Investment Program (RSIP)
Post Bond Issuance Verification Reports
Open Connecticut
Open Connecticut centralizes state financial information to make it easier to follow state dollars. In Connecticut quasi-public agencies are required to submit annual reports to the legislature, including a summary of their activities and financial information. In addition, the comptroller’s office requested that quasi-public agencies voluntarily provide checkbook-level vendor payment data for display on Open Connecticut. The Connecticut Green Bank has voluntarily submitted this information since the inception of Open Connecticut. To access this information, click here.